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Comparing & Ordering Decimals Lesson
Decimal-Fraction Conversions Lesson
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Comparing & Ordering Decimals Quiz
Decimal-Fraction Conversions Quiz

Vocabulary mouseover for definition

Another way to express a fractional part using powers of ten
Decimal Places
Digits to the right of the decimal point
Decimal Point
Symbol that separates the whole number from the fractional part
The first place right of the decimal point
The second place right of the decimal point
The third place right of the decimal point
Less than
Greater than
Equal to
Terminating Decimal
a decimal value that ends or terminates
example: 0.5, 3.44, 0.78
Repeating Decimal
a decimal value that repeats and continues on to infinity
0.33 = 0.333333 continues on
0.4747=0.47474747 continues on
Equivalent Fractions
Value of the fractions are the same
Top number in a fraction
Bottom number in a fraction
Common Denominator
Denominators that are the same number
Uncommon Denominator
Denominators that are not the same number
Simplify Change fraction to its lowest terms Greatest Common Factor
The largest number that will divide into 2 or more numbers evenly
Least Common Multiple
The smallest number that 2 or more numbers can be divided into evenly
To change
Improper Fraction
a fraction where the numerator is greater than the denominator
Proper Fraction
a fraction where the numerator is less than the denominator
Mixed Number
contains an integer, generally a whole number and a fractional part
The Big One
The Big One: a fraction = to one whole, where the numerator and denominator are the same. Ex: 4/4, 5/5, 8/8.

Steps to Compare and Order Decimals

1. Rewrite the decimals vertically with the decimal points lined up.
2. Add zero place holders so that all numbers have the same
    number of digits.
3. Start with the greatest place value and put them in order.


4.3, 4.55, 4.09, 4.097

Order from greatest to least.    4.550 is the greatest.
 (just look at the 550).
Answer: 4.55, 4.3, 4.097, 4.09

Try this one-

Which is smaller? 5.46 or 5.056

Line up the decimal points.
Add zero placeholders.

056 < 460

Answer: 5.056

More practice-

1) Put the following decimals in order from least to greatest.
              5.6       7.35       5.35       7.19

Mouseover HERE to see answer.
5.35       5.6       7.19       7.35

2) Which number is greater? 0.43 or 0.9

Mouseover HERE to see answer.
answer: 0.9

3) Which list shows the numbers correctly in order from least to greatest?
a.    5.5, 5.34, 5.41, 5.095
b.    5.095, 5.34, 5.5, 5.41
c.    5.095, 5.34, 5.41, 5.5
d.    5.5, 5.41, 5.34, 5.095

Mouseover HERE to see answer.
answer: c

4) 9.5 ___ 9.06

Mouseover HERE to see answer.
answer: >

5) 0.3 ___ 0.30

Mouseover HERE to see answer.
answer: =
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